RADIO THAT MATTERS's journey draws to a close and culminates in three days of opening and discovering the artistic paths that have emerged along the way. Arriving on The Listening Biennial website and available to the wider public for a week, the 3 artworks commissioned by the project's 3 artistic partners to as many artists active in sound and artistic experimentation – Alessandro Bosetti for Area06/Short Theatre (Rome), Mia Takula & Ellen Virman for Baltic Circle (Helsinki), Maud Blandel for Parallèle (Marseille). 3 artistic objects imagined as platforms for encounter and dialogue, as participatory practices capable of giving life to works that are born as accessible to people with visual impairments, and that testify to the possibility of inventing new forms of exploration of reality, interconnection, languages and aesthetics starting from the sharing of artistic subjects. Several realities and individual figures active in the field of visual impairment made these works possible: ASP S. Alessio Margherita Di Savoia, Marja Mikola and the Blind Listening Committee, ASLAA - Association Sports et Loisirs des Aveugles et Amblyopes.
3 artistic works that live in different natures and forms – they have been workshops, public conversations, performances, radio and installation formats – thanks to the close dialogue between the artists, the festival curators, and the communities of blind and visually impaired people, and which, after having been experienced live at the three partner festivals and having travelled between them, come together in acoustic and digital form on Listening Biennial to spread further.
Starting on 27 March, the 3 works will be released online daily for the first time and will remain available to the public until 6 April.
This is the program:
27 March | h 6 pm – Alessandro Bosetti, La memoria risiede nel lobo dell’orecchio (Memory Resides in the Earlobe) [ITA]
28 March | h 6 pm – Mia Takula & Ellen Virman, Hevosen silmin (Through the eyes of a horse) [FI]
29 March | h 6 pm – Maud Blandel, Flavio Virzì and ASLAA, La vraie version (The Real Version) [FR]
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